February 11, 2025

Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd – Double award recognition

Reflecting its commitment to excellence and innovation, Kaymac Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd has been nominated for not one but two prestigious industry awards: ‘Best Marine Civil Project’ at the 2023 European Commercial Marine Awards (ECMAs) and ‘The Roy Edwards Award’ at the ICE Wales Awards, both for its work on the groundbreaking Eastman Sea Outfall Slip Lining Project.

“We’re absolutely delighted to have received this recognition, as it really highlights all the hard work that all of our people have put into the project,” explains Rhiannon Crees-Moore, Business Development Director. “It’s the first time we’ve been shortlisted for the Roy Edwards Award so we’re really looking forward to seeing what the outcome is in September.”

The outfall was first constructed in 1960 and is near Nash in Newport with the offshore section of the outfall consisting of a 1,470m-long concrete coated steel pipe that discharges treated effluent from the Eastman Chemical Plant into the Severn Estuary. The offshore section of pipe that commences approximately 15m north of the sea defence wall and terminates in the low water zone, was nearing the end of its design life and was due for replacement

Kaymac was contracted by the Eastman Chemical Company under ‘Early Contractor Involvement’ (ECI) to undertake the design and installation of the new outfall pipe, that would replace the original pipe at the end of its design life. The installation was programmed to take place between the months of July and September 2022 subject to Newport Council Planning Permission and a Natural Resource Wales Band 3 Marine License, which Kaymac had to obtain on behalf of the client.

On the programmed day of the slip lining operation, the carrier pipe – plugged at each end – was towed from the ABP wet dock into position using two safety boats. Marine operatives waited for tide to be the correct level before signaling the land-based team to start the winches and pull the pipe through. The slip lining procedure took a total of six minutes with the pipe being fixed to the original pipe.  

Once all the connections were made, the testing procedure commenced, with slow to full release of effluent over a 24-hour period and zero leaks were recorded. The team reinstated the marine and land areas of work and demobilised from site and was left as Kaymac found it.  

Given the complexities of the project, it is easy to see why it has attracted so much industry attention. Phase 1 of the development was time-sensitive, multi-disciplined and challenging, with Kaymac delivering the project as Principal Designer and Principal Contractor under CDM Regulations using its in-house capabilities.

“We successfully undertook the design, planning, management, monitoring and coordination of health and safety in the pre-construction and construction phases,” outlines Rhiannon. “The innovative design behind the project provided our clients with a value engineering solution and benefited the environment, people, and wildlife in the local area, by eliminating the risk of contamination in a SSSI Area; and the potential environmental disaster caused by discharge from Eastman Chemical Plant in Newport. The project was delivered successfully on programme and to budget with zero health & safety or environmental incidents. The entire team did an excellent job, and we couldn’t have asked for it to have gone any better.”

This success hasn’t come about by accident, especially given how many challenges had to be overcome on the project. “The most important factor has been our people, as they all worked exceptionally hard,” adds Rhiannon. “Collaboration and meticulous planning were also absolutely vital.”

While the award success pays homage to the efforts of its employees, it has also further highlighted the capabilities that Kaymac can offer to its clients. It is now looking to make the most of this growing reputation within the marketplace, which is currently offering a plethora of opportunities.

“We’re extremely busy at the moment and have lots of enquiries coming in. The future certainly looks very bright, particularly as we’re very close to being added to a framework that will potentially provide us with excellent continuity of work for the next four to six years. We’re currently preparing for this to ensure that we have the resources to deliver the work to our usual high standards without any compromise on quality.

“We also have phase two of the Eastman Sea Outfall Project set to commence next year. We’ll be replacing the entire pipe as part of a development that is valued at close to £9m, which will be one of the largest single value contracts we have undertaken since the company was established in 1976.  We’re only as good as our last job, so we’re concentrating on the contracts that we have lined up, which includes several projects for Network Rail across Scotland and the north of England. We want to maintain the high-quality service we’ve become known for, by continuing to invest in our infrastructure and by developing our people. That’s what we’re striving for.”

This is certainly a formula that is working extremely well for Kaymac and is sure to continue to do so in the months ahead. Further award recognition is undoubtedly on the cards too.